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The Purpose of a Mother

Is it important that a mother knows and understand her purpose?

    Many future mothers are not being taught how to be the mother God created them to be. As mothers, we use our mother’s scripts in rearing our daughters. However, we make changes to it as we see fit. Many young mothers want to change something about their mother’s rearing process. 

    As a mother, you may have noticed your daughter playing and talking with her doll as she imitated you. Little girls like to watch their mothers. They remembered hearing your voice for nine months, from within your womb. From birth she begins putting your image and your sound together to get a total picture of the woman that she will call mother.

    Back to the question: Is it important that a mother knows and understand her purpose?

    I say, yes, and how will she know when she is living in her life’s purpose? By seeking the Word of God!

    Mothers, have you ever stopped to think of asking God why did He give you a daughter? What is His purpose for her life? How does He want you to raise her, and would He lead and guide you as you help prepare her to serve Him? This line of questions may not make sense to some mothers. But, if you look at them from a manufacturer’s product development perspective, it will start to make sense to you. A manufacturer creates a product, and it knows all the intricate details of its functions and how it’s designed to operate. To get the best service from the product, you must read and understand the operations manual and follow all instructions. 

    In other words, mothers when you don’t consult God about His purpose for His/your daughters, it's like you are telling God, thanks for the daughter and I will take over from here, without a clue of God’s plans for her life. That’s why He tells us in Jeremiah 29:11, “For I know the plans I have for you.” You noticed He didn’t say your mother has the plans? That should be a hint for mothers to seek Him for the answers for rearing, “His” daughters.

    When we don’t seek God, daughters become their mothers, as they grow older! Daughters are fighting not to become their mothers, but they slowly see themselves evolving into her image! Over the past 20 years, as a Christian Clinical Psychologist, the number one statement that daughters say, “I do not want to be like my mother!!!”

     If you only listen to their words, you would think that’s not nice to say about the woman who carried you for nine months in her womb. What did she do to you? 

    It’s not that daughters don’t want to be like their mothers. They know that there is something in them they want to experience or to live out. It’s the unknown Spirit of God that they are seeking, and not knowing how? Mothers if you haven’t asked God the questions stated above, you and your daughter will continue fighting for your true purposes. 

    In Bible Ezekiel 16:44, tells us, “As is the mother, so is her daughter.” Do you want your daughter to be like you or as God created her to be?

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By Dr. Bessie Fletcher October 22, 2019
Did you know someone knows every aspect of your mother and daughter relationship? There are many facets of a mother and daughter relationship, and only God knows the answer. He knows the beginning and the end. He even knows the numbers of hairs on your head. (Matthew 10:30) God is careful to watch over His daughters. Many of whom He selects to become mothers. It is an honor and should be a pleasure to be a mother. As a mother, you get to mold and shape a human being, according to the will of God. Mothers, you must seek God’s will for your daughters. In doing so, you help fulfill His Kingdom. It is no accident you are her mother, and that she is your daughter. It was a part of His initial plan. God has His eyes on you, mother. The way you treat and speak to your daughter is being recorded for future accountability. Now you know of these things, it’s expected of you to repent and follow His will. You are to treat your daughters with respect, kindness, love, and forgiveness in every aspect of your relationship. You can no longer get by with; “I didn’t know!” Jesus said, “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” (Proverbs 22:6) He also said, “Every seed will produce more of its own kind.” (Genesis 1:11) Mothers your words are seeds planted into your daughter’s mind and she will bring forth that harvest! Mother when you hear God’s eyes are watching you, you’re first thought maybe to look up! God is in every human and that makes Him omnipresent! He sees you through the eyes of others, even through the eyes of your daughter! So, when you feel no one is paying attention, God is! Keep in mind mothers, when you look into your daughter’s eyes, you are looking into the eyes of God!
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